Crowd Control for Sports Venue Safety

Nick Criscuolo

Nick Criscuolo, January 24, 2022

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Crowd Control for Sports Venue Safety

Arenas & Stadiums Need a Sports Venue Safety Assessment

After two years of lockdowns, canceled games and tournaments played in empty gymnasiums, 2022 may finally see a resurgence in amateur sports support. This spring, many high school, college and league teams are set to resume in-person play. Gym and stadium managers sense the excitement, and they’re prepping for kickoff with a review of safety regulations for sports arenas. As your team hones its skills, savvy managers take a long, hard look at their sports venue safety plans. This process also includes taking inventory of stadium crowd control equipment and steel-strong barricades.

If your sports venue safety evaluation reveals a shortage of stadium crowd control barricades, temporary fencing or safety signs, it’s time to connect with a SONCO pro today. 

Perimeter Security in Three Easy Steps

Campus sports venue safety begins with a secure perimeter. Whether you manage a small high school stadium or a university’s mega-arena, preventing unauthorized access to the playing field, stands and parking areas is job number one. Consult SONCO industry pros to learn to secure school sports venues in three easy steps.

STEP 1: Use temporary fence panels and panel screens to route fans to designated entrances and exits. Custom printing and graphics on fence screens give your venue a professional appearance, direct foot and vehicle traffic to access points and provide valuable and required safety information. 

STEP 2: Employ SONCO man gates and temporary vehicle gates for areas off-limits to fans and the general public. When you’re hosting a concert or stage event, trust Guardian hinged gates and Snake Runner barriers to give technicians access for sound and lighting equipment — all while keeping stage perimeters intact.

STEP 3: Secure parking lots and vehicle drop-off points with jersey barriers and toppers. Schedule frequent and regular security patrols before, during and after the game or event. Make sure lighting, remote cameras and digital recorders are functional and in use. 

Keep Fans Grounded As Spirits Soar

Smoldering rivalries and pent-up emotions can erupt anytime the referees make an unfavorable call or a talented player surprises fans with a game-winning play. As with all good event planning, prepare for the unexpected. Deploy open communication lines, plenty of security staff and durable crowd control equipment. SONCO supplies the tools you need for crowd control at sporting events, including:

These preparations help keep fan exuberance in check as in-person sporting events return for the 2022-2023 seasons.

Boost Team Spirit & Raise School Revenue

As in-person spectators return to your school campus, expect to see an increase in sponsorship opportunities. Merchants and local organizations build goodwill and community spirit by sponsoring teams and advertising in baseball parks and arenas. Crowd control at sporting events turns into an additional revenue stream with SONCO’s custom-printed accessories. School colors and graphics emblazon fence screens and barricade covers, transforming crowd control equipment into billboard advertising and creating a positive college or high school sports experience. 

Ride the sports vibe with custom-printed outdoor event accessories like these:

  • Large plastic banners to advertise meets, fundraisers & intra-mural sports
  • Event tents & flags to mark the start & finish of races or fun runs
  • Custom banners & directional signs that lead the way toward parking lots & vendor booths
  • Uniform, attractive covered barricades to secure stadium entrances & line walkways
  • Discreet fence covers to block access and keep prying eyes from equipment & staging areas

When you order custom SONCO signs, our in-house design team is at your fingertips. Upload print-ready school graphics in our portal and our creatives will size, optimize and return proofs for your review. Choose from a range of indoor and outdoor fabrics that your team will use, season after season. SONCO’s print services are the most convenient and economical way to coordinate crowd control at sporting events and present an attractive, modern image for campus branding and sports venue safety.

Fill the Gaps With SONCO Sports Venue Safety Equipment

SONCO industry experts have decades of experience and insight in securing school sports venues. They also stay ahead of the curve with industry standards and safety regulations for sports arenas. Set up a SONCO account to tap into our expertise and learn about cost-effective options for reinforcing crowd control at college sports locations. SONCO product experts advise you on purchases that fill the gaps in your inventory, and you can expand and upgrade your equipment without breaking the bank! Other advantages of shopping with SONCO include:

  • Highest quality equipment & accessories
  • Unmatched customer service
  • Guaranteed safe online shopping
  • Bulk pricing
  • Affordable APRUVE credit terms
  • Price Match & Cash Back programs
  • In-house design services

Ramp up sports venue safety with the crowd control industry leaders. Contact SONCO today — and hit the field running! For more ideas on securing school sports facilities while creating a positive school sports experience, don’t miss this SONCO blog post: 7 Tips on Crowd Control & Branding for Minor League Baseball Stadiums.